Hotel Internship Program is cohosted by Division of International Cooperation and Exchange and School of International Economy and Tourism Management for non degree exchange students. Since 2016, more than 10 international students from Mexico, Bulgaria, Malaysia had joinet the program to do internship in 5 star hotels in Hangzhou as a GRO or in Department of Food and Beverage. "I learned what I would have never been able to learn in books, because attitude and service is something you need to achieve every day, a book will never teach you how to smile and how to possess the best attitude for your guests/customers even if from the inside you are having a bad day, you are feeling homesick or even if you are sad, the guests do not care how you do feel, they are new in city and they are very excited about Hangzhou, maybe it is their first time in city even in China, so they are expecting everything to be perfect, that is when quality comes, quality in service is when you exceed a customer’s expectation."---Hailey Aguirre, Intern from University of Colima, Mexico
