
Revisions&Final Exam Schedule for Spring Semester 2014-2015 College for International Education (June 22rd,2015 --- July 3rd,2015 )
  Monday(Holiday) Tuesday(Q&A) Wednesday(Exam) Thursday(Exam) Friday(Exam)
8:45 - 9:25 Holiday,no class

Elementary Chinese Speaking for

Beginners I &Elementary

Chinese Listening for Beginners

I &Elementary Chinese Listening

and Speaking I
(Yan Weijian)


Elementary Chinese

Speaking for

Beginners I
 (Yan Weijian)




Chinese II
 (Mi Nan)




Chinese for Beginners
(Feng Shuo)


 9:30 - 10:10
10:20 - 11:00

Elementary Comprehensive

ChineseI & Intermediate

Comprehensive Chinese II
 (Mi Nan)


Intermediate Chinese

Speaking II (Feng Shuo)

 Intermediate Chinese

ListeningII (Feng Shuo)



Chinese I
 (Mi Nan)


11:05 - 11:45
Noon Break        
14:00 - 14:40

Elementary Comprehensive

Chinese for Beginners &

Intermediate Chinese Listening II &

Intermediate Chinese Speaking II

& Advanced Comprehensive

Chinese I
(Feng Shuo)


Advanced Comprehensive

Chinese I
(Feng Shuo)


Elementary Chinese

Listeningand Speaking I
(Yan Weijian)


Elementary Chinese

Listening for Beginners I
 (Yan Weijian)


14:45 - 15:25
15:35 - 16:15          
16:20 - 17:00          

1.Tuesday  is for  Q&A and Wednesday to Friday is for Final Exams. One to One language drill and Chinese Culture Couse will be assessed in class before the final exam week,and not by papers.
2.The classroom for Q&A and all exams : Classroom 403,Library Building.
3.Please come to our Office to get your transcript on July 1rd, 2:00 pm--5 pm Wednesday afternoon.If you need other version,please revise the transcript by yourself and come to us to check and stamp.
4.College of International Education : Office 104, Administration Building .Contact: 88213035